Link Shortening and Retargeting

Your Brand on Your Links


The complete platform to brand and manage links


Enhance brand visibility and trust by putting your brand name on every link you share


Share branded short links across departments, regions and teams with one cohesive strategy


Incorporate branded links into your existing processes, workflow and tools with ease


Understand social media, email marketing, ads and SEO through detailed click stats


Growth and Target your audience with our link shortener


Increase usage with an infrastructure that can grow at the same rate as your business


Workspaces and teammates

Set up folders where members of the same team can connect to view and manage sets on branded links collaboratelively.


Multiple domain names

Connect and manage several custom domain names that reflect your brand

Know the numbers

Customized Analytics

Build, schedule and send custom reports based on the traffic your branded links receive

Tools to succed

Fully featured

Send visitors to specific landing pages or direct them to your mobile app based on their location, device, browsing language and other variables.


Link Retargeting

Find retargeting pixels directly from your branded links, add users to your retargeting list in Facebook, AdWords, Twitter and more.

Pricing Plan

Choose Pricing Plan


$ 0 /Month

Up to 500 visitors / month
Up to 10 links
Up to 1 custom link pages
Up to 1 link groups
Up to 1 link overlays
Up to 1 tracking pixels


$ 8 /Month

Up to 1000 visitors / month
Up to 500 links
Up to 10 custom link pages
Up to 10 link groups
Up to 10 link overlays
Up to 10 tracking pixels


$ 12 /Month

Up to 3000 visitors / month
Up to 10000 links
Up to 30 custom link pages
Up to 10 link groups
Up to 30 link overlays
Up to 30 tracking pixels


$ 20 /Month

Unlimited visitors / month
Unlimited links
Unlimited link pages
Unlimited link groups
Unlimited link overlays
Unlimited tracking pixels


Link shortening is the process of creating a shorter, more concise URL that redirects to a longer one. Shorter URLs are easier to share, remember, and track. They also look cleaner and more professional.

Retargeting is the process of targeting users who have already interacted with your website or content. This can be done through various channels such as email, social media, or advertising. The goal of retargeting is to convert users who have shown interest in your brand into paying customers.

Link shortening is important because it makes your links more shareable and trackable. When you share a long, cumbersome URL, it can be difficult for users to remember and type it correctly. With a shortened URL, you can easily share it on social media, email, or any other platform.

Retargeting is important because it allows you to reach users who have already shown interest in your brand. These users are more likely to convert into paying customers because they have already engaged with your content. By retargeting them, you can remind them of your brand and encourage them to take action.


You can make money with link shortening by using a URL shortener that pays you for clicks. Some popular URL shorteners that offer this service include,, and Linkshrink. By sharing shortened links on your website, social media, or other platforms, you can earn money for each click.

You can make money with retargeting by targeting users who have already interacted with your content and encouraging them to take action. This can be done through email campaigns, social media ads, or other retargeting strategies. By converting these users into paying customers, you can increase your revenue and grow your business.

Sqrive has been a game-changer for our social media campaigns. The link rotator feature has helped us to maximize our ad spend and improve our ROI. Highly recommend!

Carlos Bastardo Marketing Director

As a content creator, I love using Sqrive's biolink feature to showcase all my latest work in one place. It's easy to use and has helped me to increase my website traffic significantly

Russel Hall Blogger

Sqrive has helped me to streamline my link management process. With features like custom domains and workspaces, it's the perfect tool for anyone who wants to keep their links organized and easily accessible

Susan Dugli WordPress Dev.

I've been using Sqrive for several months now and I'm impressed with the level of customer support they provide. They're always quick to respond and help me with any questions or issues I have

Samantha Carli Social Media Manager

Sqrive has saved me a lot of time and hassle. I used to struggle with managing multiple links for my online store, but now with their link management platform, I can easily track and optimize my links for better results

Mark Thompson E-commerce Owner

Sqrive's link retargeting feature has been a game-changer for our remarketing efforts. It's easy to set up and has helped us to increase our conversions and sales.

Emily Hardin Digital Marketing Manager

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